Lens Project: Museum of Anthropology Manila

Here's a new museum just opened last year in Manila showcasing the history of Manila anthropology. This building used to house the Depart of Finance of the Philippine Government. Now, the effort of NCCA, new museums are being opened, constructed and other historical icons and establishments are revived and that includes the anthropology of Manila.

 A N T H R O P O L O G Y:
the science of human beings; especially : the study of human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture.
-Miriam Online

The National Museum of Anthropology Manila offers a great understanding of the history of Manila that includes the exhibition of Spanish occupation, indigenous tribes of the Philippines, the BayBayin and other important relics and history of the Philippines.

The diversity of the Filipino culture and its tribe from North to South of the islands of the Philippines.
The Lobby
The Staircase

The museum is open from Monday - Sunday and you can check out the NCCA website to know more details about arts and culture of the Philippines.

12 comentários

  1. I love everything in Manila from the delicious food till the friendly people. I must make another trip to Makati...

    1. Wow you've been to Makati? hit me up when you decided to be back!

  2. I've been there three years ago. I couldn't believe that we had such amazing buildings. I am really happy to see that buildings such as that is being preserved well. As for museums, it's good to know that people are starting to be more and more interested with nerdy stuff and that the government has appropriated much budget for them. The sad part of this is that it is only in Manila where culture and history are very much prioritized. I wish they could do the same in other provinces.

    1. I believe they have province counterparts, it's just that it's not as grand in the centric. :) And there are new opening museums this month. :)

  3. Looks like a very informative museum but looks quite eerie too from your photos.

    1. It is informative. Maybe it's just because of the way i delver the photos, ths is not eerie in person though but really an old and big museum.

  4. A splendid tour of this beautiful museum!! I love your photo looking down the spiral staircase!

  5. Wow. Buti pa ikaw ay napuntahan mo na yan. Ang napuntahan ko pa lang na National Museum ay yung dating Legislative Building.

    1. And good things! May mga bago na silang museums! <3


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