Lens Project: 1989 - A Taylor Swift's Booklet Inspired Photography

When i discovered Taylor Swift's songwriting talent through the inclusion of her demo songs in her album, i started to admire her because of her talent, gift and love for music. I love singer-songwriters because i know that this is real talent compared to artists who include skins, boobs, twerks and cursing in their music, but still making it big. 

1989 is the latest album of Taylor Swift. I went through the records but i actually missed the booklet until last week, i was able to look at it and i thought "this is inspiring!, might as well, have my own version of this"

so here they are, my 1989: A Taylor Swift's Booklet Inspired Photography. 

So what are your favorites?

28 comentários

  1. I really like Taylor Swift, her talent and her personality. My favs are the ones of the stairs and narrow street and the last one of building. Thx for sharing your life verse with me. Praying it for you, bro.

    1. Thanks for appreciating the life verse Mary! see you around!

  2. That cat is made for the camera, meow. The Phillippines looks like such a cozy place...
    My photo album would mainly consist of cats too.

    Did you hear she was sued for using the lyrics "Players gonna play, haters gonna hate"? Ugh, it's just people misplacing curtosy for an easy way to make money. Love the album myself!

    - Harlynn

    1. Really? That's her freedom to use her own words, seems like people everywhere is offended about everything!. For me that's taking her human rights and freedom of speech.

      such a good info!

  3. Nice photos with a nostalgic look. My favourite ones are those with the cat in them. :)

    1. That's my fave too, she's just so freaking adorable!

  4. My favourites are the sky view, clothes hanging out to dry and of course the cat photos. Have a great weekend!

    1. I would take the clothes, cause it's unlikely! Thanks for appreciating nancy! see you around.

  5. Everybody's looking at the cat. Hahaha! It's like- this is my body and I'll take a nap if I want to. Take pictures of me I don't care. Hahaha!

    1. Trues, adore her so much because she's really so clingy! It was never hard taking pictures of her, camera friendly.

  6. I have two faves: the stairs and the tiles on the floor. I like lines and I see them having stories of their own.

    1. Wow thanks, that's a unique taste of you Jonathan!

  7. It certainly has been awhile! I love the pictures of the cats! I'm glad you're still blogging as I am! ^^

    1. yes michelle, just caught up about personal and real world stuffs but yeah! we're still kicking, still have a lot of posts ideas, so blogging is not ending yet!

  8. love the very classic photo style... :) and cook cat too!!! Cheers

    1. You would even love the original T. Swifts booklet of this.... so inspiring and simple and breaking such photography rules too!

  9. That cat is very camera friendly. Haha I wish I could do this too! I need to find time :) This is a lovely concept. And my favorite would be the 8th photo from the top.

    1. I just used my cherry mobile for this Lou, used mobile apps for editing, i tried VSCO, Pixlr and picsart, turned out that picsart has the 1989 look and used the same filter for all the pictures.

      this also didn't take me a day, this is just a walk to my unit and some 20 minute before i settle to sleep, just took photos everywhere that i passed by as i walk home that day. :)

  10. It's lovely. I love the idea and the shots are incredible.

  11. nice shots Steve.. wow buti pa si ming ming blue eyes haha
    I love Taylor Swift too and even though I prefer her older style (yung may pag ka country yung dating) i still enjoy listening to her catchy pop music!

    1. actually dalawa kulay ng mata niya, isang blue isang green hahahaha.

      I find both of her music style cool milton, whatever it is, as long as she inspires, it's a thumb!

  12. i think the second photo from the top would be great for my fave 1989 album song, Style :) hihihi...

    She is a great songwriter kaso lang her voice is on autotune. Cant have it all I guess, yet she is great!

    1. OH my God, autotune, kalungkot! hahahahahha.

      Pang style nnga yan, MV na itu! makuha ka ngang model kung sakaling ako ay mag MMV...

  13. My fave would be the photo of the sky. Yep, super love Taylor Swift ! ♥

    1. I gues every girls love her so this is some kinda gay post lol.

      well, for a man, i admore her songwriting skills, that's what i loved about her. :) (and most of musicians who pull off their own musical style).

  14. Beautiful shots! Love all of them, especially the ones of the sweet kitty. And that 1989 effect fits perfectly, you did a wonderful job with these!
    Have an amazing Tuesday.
    Blessings to you, my friend.

    1. Thanks beate, hope you got inspired as well! see you around!


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